Participant 196 Community Conversations Interview



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Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey State Library



In this interview, Participant 196 shares how they experienced homelessness, unemployment, and lacking transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. They describe their fears about the pandemic and adapting to the situation. The participant shares about the loss of friends to COVID-19, and the impacts of the pandemic on their mental health. They discuss how people have shown kindness, such as receiving money, food and masks, but share that they faced barriers to receiving a COVID test without an ID. The participant shares how New Jersey can help, and the resources they need.


Essex Co. (N.J.), COVID-19 Pandemic, New Jersey, Resources Needed, Acts of Kindness, Loss of Job or Business, Employment, Social and Economic Factors, COVID-19 Health Behaviors, Resilience, Unpredictability, Housing, Housing Insecurity_Instability, Secondary Suffering and Trauma, Vaccine for COVID-19, Religion or Spirituality, Negative Mental Health Outcomes
