Participant 340 Community Conversations Interview



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Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey State Library



In this interview, Participant 340 shares about their experience as a funeral director during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participant says that funeral processions have changed significantly since the pandemic started, as all their activities and rituals are now remote. The participant shares that most of their clients are close-knit families, and expresses sadness for families not allowed to see their deceased loved ones for the last time. The participant explains that not being able to say their last goodbyes has been a very difficult experience for the families they serve.


Social Re-Connect, COVID-19 Health Behaviors, Positive Outlook, Negative Mental Health Outcomes, Unpredictability, Employment, Social and Economic Factors, Social Disconnect - Social Isolation and Loneliness, Secondary Suffering and Trauma, Acts of Kindness, Resilience, Religion or Spirituality, Health Behaviors, Middlesex Co. (N.J.), New Jersey, COVID-19 Pandemic
