Remembering 9-11-2001

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Many of us have stories about 9-11-2001. As I look back after 19 years I will never forget that day. It was a warm, beautiful, clear early September day. I had driven to Hoboken so that my car was available after a late business meeting. I arrived at the Hoboken Path Subway Station at about 8:35 AM. I decided to take the downtown World Trade Train walk through the lower shopping center of the World Trade Center to get the New York Subway E train uptown to my office. I had done this many times in the past and it was second nature to me. As I sat on the WTC train the 34th Street PATH train pulled into the Hoboken station. Never had I changed trains before, but for some reason, I decide to take the 34th Street train. It was 9:00 AM. Finally when I reached my office a friend met me at the front door and told me a plane had hit the WTC. I thought that it was a small private plane. My office was on the 31st floor of our building facing south toward the WTC. As I walked in to my office I could not miss the horror before me. I stood and watched as the buildings fell. As this was unfolding one of my co-workers a former EMS worker left our office rushed to the WTC buildings to help. He later told that he assisted a doctor cutting someone leg off to get her out of the building. Sometime later his health became a issue because he developed breathing problems. He wasn't covered by insurance and finally ended his life by blowing his brains out. I was one of those people that was taken off Manhattan by the Circle Line Boat and brought back to New Jersey. I remember while on the boat looking toward the WTC site and all I could see was a cloud of dust. It was strange because I as I looked around the boat no one but me had turned to look back at the southern end of Manhattan. I later learned that my future son-in-law helped a women from the building and walked her across the bridge to Brooklyn to make sure she was all right. He lived in Jersey City. My priest's bother worked at the World Trade Center and died when the towers fell. Another friends brother-in-law was killed while he was there trying to help. Now 19 years have passed. It is a day I will never forget and neither must America. Thank God I did not have my camera that day. God Grant Rest to those that died and may America never rest until all the evil people who caused this are brought to justice.


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