Gov. Christie - ACLU Is Standing With Me On This Miracles Do Happen



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Trenton, N.J.: Office of the Governor



Transcript: Governor Christie: I do not believe that anybody in this room on either side of the aisle ever thought they would see the ACLU standing with me on something that I support. Yet here we are today. Miracles do happen. Let us not let this opportunity to seize the actions that we need to seize from this type of collaboration pass by the waist side. By the way there will always be people who will want more time. There will always be people who will say give us another six months to study it. Set up another commission. Set up another committee. Have six more meetings. There comes a moment when it's time to act. And I believe that I have been patient. Two and a half years of conversation and discussion, it seems to me is sufficient. The support that we have broadly across this state is evidence of the fact that we have worked hard and together to come up with a compromise that is not a partisan issue. It's not even a bipartisan issue. It is a nonpartisan issue. It is time for us to act.


Governors - New Jersey, Government and Politics - New Jersey, Press Releases, Ethics and Accountability

