Balzano, StevenErtmann, AnnBrancheau, LeeSmejkal, WilliamKaplan, MarjorieFanz, David2020-12-042020-12-042002-03 study was initiated to determine the extent to which approved freshwater wetland mitigation sites had been constructed in terms of area achieved; concurrence with approved plans; and relative quality of constructed wetlands. In addition to these indicators of current conditions, this research developed a standard rapid assessment method that can be used to monitor New Jersey’s wetland mitigation trends into the future. The study also enhanced NJDEP’s Mitigation Database by establishing a geographic information system application. A peer review committee consisting of leading wetland scientists from academic institutions, government and non-governmental organizations, and the private sector provided guidance and oversight throughout the study.en-USNew JerseyWetland mitigationCreating Indicators of Wetland Status (Quantity and Quality): Freshwater Wetland Mitigation in New Jersey: Research Project SummaryArticle