Sautter, James B.New Jersey. Treasury Department2018-04-232018-04-231944974.901 T61 1944's report to the Legislature of New Jersey with data for July, 1943 through June, 1944Treasurer's Report to the Governor and the Legislature ; Auditor's Certificate ; Certificates of Indebtedness ; Summary of Bonded Debt June 30, 1944 ; Consolidated Receipts, Disbursements, and Transfers for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1944 ; Summary of Securities Showing Changes During the Current Year June 30, 1944 ; State Fund ; Emergency Relief Funds ; Unemployment Relief Bonds ; Racing Receipts Fund ; Municipal Aid ; Child Care ; Federal Social Security Subsidies ; School Fund ; State School Tax ; State Highway Fund ; State Highway System Fund ; Motor Fuel Tax ; State Highway Extension Fund ; Grade Crossing Elimination Fund ; Soldiers' Bonus ; State Institutional Construction Fund ; Commerce and Navigation ; State Police Retirement and Benevolent Fund ; 1837 Surplus Revenue Fund ; United States Appropriation for Agricultural College ; Government Aid for Vocational Education ; National Industrial Recovery Fund ; National Forest Fund ; State Forest Fund ; Forest Land Fund ; Federal Forest Fire Fund ; Federal Forest Nursery Fund ; Public Shooting and Fishing Grounds ; Fish and Game Fund ; Trust Account Defense Highway Act 1941 ; State Water Supply ; Unemployment Compensation ; Workmen's Compensation Tax Fund ; Local Tax on Railroad Corporations ; Outdoor Advertising Fund ; Special Railroad Fund ; State Purchase Fund ; Clerk in Chancery Enrollment Fund ; Morris Canal Account ; Unclaimed Accounts Trust Fund ; Gross Receipts Taxes ; Unclaimed Scrip Fund ; Escheat Account ; Stock Workmen's Compensation Security Fund ; Mutual Workmen's Compensation Security Fund ; Liquidation Account ; Prison Officer's Pension Fund ; Rabies Control Fund ; Interconnection Revolving Fund ; Milk Control Fund ; Victory Tax Deductions Fund ; Withholding Tax Fund ; Estate of George H. Koch ; General Investment Fund ; Special State Air Road Fund ; State Employees' War Bond SAvings Fund ; Securities ; Indexen-USFinance - New Jersey - PeriodicalsJoint Committee on Treasurer's AccountsAnnual Report Treasurer of the State of New Jersey, June 30, 1944, Report of the Joint Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, and of the State Treasurer, For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1944, to the Governor and the Legislature of New JerseyState Publication