Public hearing before Senate Law and Public Safety Committee: Senate committee substitute for Assembly concurrent resolution no. 2 and Senate concurrent resolution no. 86: proposed amendment to Constitution regarding parental notification for medical or surgical procedures or treatments relating to pregnancy to be performed on minor children: April 12, 2001

dc.contributor.authorNew Jersey. Legislature. Senate. Law and Public Safety Committee
dc.identifier.govdoc974.90 C536 2001
dc.publisherTrenton, N.J.: Office of Legislative Services, Public Information Officeen_US
dc.publisherNew Jersey State Libraryen_US
dc.rightsNo known copyright. The organization that has made the Item available reasonably believes that the Item is not restricted by copyright or related rights, but a conclusive determination could not be made. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
dc.subjectAbortion - Law and legislationen_US
dc.subjectParent and child (Law)en_US
dc.subjectTeenage pregnancy - Government policyen_US
dc.subjectPregnant teenagers - Legal status, laws, etc.en_US
dc.subjectNew Jerseyen_US
dc.titlePublic hearing before Senate Law and Public Safety Committee: Senate committee substitute for Assembly concurrent resolution no. 2 and Senate concurrent resolution no. 86: proposed amendment to Constitution regarding parental notification for medical or surgical procedures or treatments relating to pregnancy to be performed on minor children: April 12, 2001en_US
dc.typeState Publicationen_US


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