Public hearing before Special Committee of the General Assembly to Make an Investigation and Report on the Use of Public Funds to Acquire Title to Land to be Used by the State of New Jersey and to Determine Whether Improvements Can Be Made in Existing Procedures : created by Assembly resolution no. 7, 1964 and reconstituted under Assembly resolution no. 1, 1965. Volume 3



Hearings held June 25, July 8 and July 14, 1965, Trenton, N.J. Title of volume 3 varies slightly. Assemblywoman Marion West Higgins, chairman. Priority given to investigating "... charges and allegations regarding acquisition under the Green Acres Program of the Shepherd Lake- Thunder Mountain recreation area as part of the expansion program of Ringwood State Park in Passaic County."--p. 36, vol. 3.


Eminent domain -- New Jersey, Green Acres Program (N.J.)

