Governor Christie - New Jerseyans Are Tough, Strong And Resilient



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Trenton, N.J.: Office of the Governor



Transcript Governor Chris Christie: I'm having a great time as Governor, I hope you can tell. I enjoy every day. And today is among some of the more enjoyable, to have a beautiful day like this in our state, and to have a great company like Realogy recommit to our state and its people. And so to all of you, thank you for coming out. Thank you for your really warm welcome and reception. Thank you for believing in our state. Thank you for raising your families here. Thank you for believing in what we're trying to do. We have ways to go yet, and I'm certainly not in the mood to take any kind of victory lap today. It's about getting back to work and creating the next opportunity like this, and the next one, and the next one, so that we all wind up being better off for the efforts that we're making both in the private sector and in the government. So I want to congratulate Realogy, again, and Richard. All of you, the great employees of this place, I want to congratulate you on your new home. Thank you for making it our home. And I hope that what you'll find this summer is after all the difficulties that we've had over the last seven or eight months, and all of the tragedy and the loss that people of our state have suffered, that after a long winter it feels today like spring is here and summer is just around the corner. And not just for the weather, but for our attitudes about our home and about where our future is. And so I absolutely believe that the people of New Jersey showed through this crisis what you all show every day in your business, that we're tough and that we're strong, that we're resilient, and that better days are truly ahead of us. So, Realogy staying helps to confirm all that and growing here. And so congratulations to all of you, congratulations to your company, congratulations to your families, and congratulations to the great state of New Jersey. Thank you all very much.


Governors - New Jersey, Government and Politics - New Jersey, Press Releases, Jobs and the economy

