Governor Christie - Joe D. Is A Leader That Never Rests



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Trenton, N.J.: Office of the Governor



Transcript: ESSEX COUNTY EXECUTIVE JOSEPH DIVINCENZO: Working with Governor Chris Christie and his team, alright, we know he was born in Newark. We knew he grew up in Livingston, but he's been my partner, but more important, a partner to the people that live in this county, the 800,000 people. And he made sure, just like he makes sure everybody gets their fair share, but he made sure that the people that are assigned to him, whether it be at DOT, the Port Authority, the New Jersey Transportation, that Essex County was there. And anytime that I went to him or any project that I needed to get done, you have to work with the higher levels and I can tell you for the last four years it's been easy. We've had a friend there and he makes sure that we get our fair share and that's what you want, is to get your fair share. And we've done that. GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE: What you see behind us is what's so great about what's happening here in Essex County. Is that when you have a leader like Joe D., you never, never are allowed to be satisfied. You're never allowed to kinda take a deep breath and say "wow, we just did all these great things and now we can take a little bit of a rest.' He never rests. Everything to going back to when he first became Essex County Executive in that mess over at the County Jail that he fixed. And everything that's happened since then, it because he's a hands-on Executive who demands results from the people who work with him. But when you deliver those results, you have a friend and an admirer. And so we're happy to continue to contribute here in Essex County at the statewide level to what's being done. It's really important. It's really important that our largest county, our most populace county, here in this urban area and suburban area makes needs to make sure they have a lot of pride in what they're doing and that they have the best facilities possible.


Governors - New Jersey, Government and Politics - New Jersey, Press Releases, Jobs and the economy

